The 4th Local SoH Forum was held in Rye East Sussex on
6 February
The event a small and intimate gathering (3 people) took place
on 6th February with key challenges relating to remarkable journeys coming to
the surface. The group arrived at common ground at the close of the event,
brought on by the holding of the space and the opening and trust that this SoH
approach engenders. Participants confirmed their wish to bring other interested
parties for the next event and expressed their support for the ‘safe place’
despite initial misgivings and feelings of vulnerability.
The 5th Local Spirit of Humanity Forum is announced!
6pm for 6:30pm-8:30pm on Monday 23 March 2015
Located at the Primeast Office, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate HG31GY, UK
Would you like to participate? Please contact: