Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Christoph Quarch

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My passion in life, and how it connects to the theme of "The Power of Love and Compassion in Governance":

My passion is to be part of a courageous global expedition which silently moves like pilgrims towards a new paradigm. I believe that western civilization (perhaps even mankind) currently exits the age of logos (rationality) and stands on the threshold to a complete new understanding of life and being. Actually no one can tell for sure how this new paradigm will look like, but there’s plenty of evidence that it will be a paradigm of connectedness, conscious love, reconciliation of mind and matter, integration of man and nature. 

It is my passion to knit networks of people who share this vision, to inspire people to join the caravan and to search for a proper language of the unknown. My personal vision is a new Renaissance which remembers the precious heritage of ancient western wisdom and transfers it to modernity: the renaissance of a civilization based on beauty, love and poetry.

Personal Quote

“Wer das Tiefste gedacht, liebt das Lebendigste” 
- Friedrich Hölderlin

“Anyone or anything that does not bring you alive is too small for you” 
- David Whyte

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